The Media School.

Brand Image, Airport Advertisement, Print Advertisement, Social Media Content

As if using words to sum up my four years at Indiana University wasn’t hard enough, now I had to create a campaign around the place I called home. It wasn’t until I took a step back and reflected on my time at The Media School that I found the heart of my campaign - me. From there I turned my own experiences of being a student into a campaign. I created a new brand image for The Media School, one that was confident, compelling, and charismatic. By using this brand image I knew that I would not only succeed in my goal to raise awareness of The Media School among out of state students, but that I’d be able to communicate the level of work that The Media School expects from their students as well. I thought back to when I was a prospective student, and how I researched programs that I was interested in. This insight lead me to create print and social content, along with advertisements to be displayed in airports, as a majority of the target audience is from out of state. 

Airport advertisement in real life setting.

Airport advertisement in real life setting.

Airport advertisement in real life setting.

Airport advertisement in real life setting.

Airport advertisement in real life setting.

Airport advertisement in real life setting.

Print advertisement to be used for recruitment purposes.

Print advertisement to be used for recruitment purposes.

Proposed Facebook post.

Proposed Facebook post.

Proposed Facebook post.

Proposed Facebook post.

Based off of Indiana Bloomington’s real Instagram, I created a faux Instagram account and homepage for The Media School.

Based off of Indiana Bloomington’s real Instagram, I created a faux Instagram account and homepage for The Media School.

Based off of Indiana Bloomington’s real Instagram, I created a faux Instagram account and homepage for The Media School.

Based off of Indiana Bloomington’s real Instagram, I created a faux Instagram account and homepage for The Media School.

Potential Instagram post.

Potential Instagram post.

Potential Instagram post.

Potential Instagram post.

Potential Instagram post.

Potential Instagram post.

Potential Instagram post.

Potential Instagram post.

Potential Instagram post.

Potential Instagram post.

Potential Instagram post.

Potential Instagram post.


Indiana University Athletics